Boalia Muktijoddah College, under The Kalaroa Upazila in the district of Satkhira, started in 1995 by transforming Boalia United High School into a Collegiate School. The college is located in the village of the former MCA, Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed, a close associate of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. After being established as Collegiate High School in 1995, prominent people in the area, MCA Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed, Professor M.A. Faruk, 5 No Keragachi UP Chairman Mr. Altaf Hossain Laltu, Boalia United High School Head Teacher Mr. Md. Anishur Rahman, prominent social activist Sheikh Md. Golam Mostafa, Moslddin Gain etc. started the initiative to establish an independent college. In 1999, Boalia United Collegiate School separated the college branch from the great war of 1971 and established as a college called Boalia Muktijoddah College to remember the martyrs and preserve their memory. After the establishment of this college on the Indian border, the area was expanded to the extent of male and female education. The college continues to teach in the science, business and humanities departments at the Higher Secondary level. Later, in 2011, after the appointment of Professor M.A. Farooq, the eldest son of MCA Mumtaz Ahmed, was accepted as the President of the College, the college was affiliated by the National University and Bangladesh Technical Education Board. For the affiliation of The National University and Technical Education Board, Professor M. A Faruq was cordially helped by the English Professor of the College, Sheikh Md. Alkamun and the Bengali Professor Md Altaf Hossain and the Acting Principal Karthik Chandra Mitra. Currently, the college has about 500 students in the Science, Business and Humanities department in the higher secondary branch, 100 students in two trades of BM branch, 300 students in BA and BSS branches. The college has about 45 teachers and staff. The three-storey magnificient building, Boalia Muktijoddah College has been playing a huge role in the field of male and female education.